Now here is where the linking method differs.
I have followed Nathaniell’s advice about placing this. On your page/post, in visual mode, go to where you want the banner. I use a vacant line for this.
Type in some sort of locator word eg BANNER (dah and that's a Nathaniell dah!).
Then go to text mode and find that darn BANNER. (That does say BANNER in the blue circle!)
Select that word and paste your link over it (if it is still there and you did't copy over it!)
And it will end up looking like this.
Now go back to 'visual' mode and you will see your banner.
So you see your banner on your working page or post and not just a coloured (if you have colour) link word.
Once you have saved your page or post and view it, you can click on this banner and get onto your Advertisers website.