Important – Keep in mind I’m using Amazon as my example sense that’s the affiliate website I’m using.

Step 1. The first step is to find the specific product you are trying to link, and find the URL code, when getting the code go to Text only. The reason you use text only is because you’re taking the picture Amazon uses and you’re substituting it with your specific pictures, and WP won’t correctly read it. When copying the code find the quotes within the icons and when you cut your URL code stay within the quotes, because it won’t read the code right with the quotes included. The ending quotes always have an > icon following them so that’s how you know where to your URL code ends. So again make sure you stay within the quotes.

Step 2. Go to the picture you want to link, click on the picture to highlight it, and in the menu bar find the link button and click on it. First chose the page for your title, and 2nd delete the current URL, and copy the URL for your product inside the bar.

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TJ7774 Premium
Thank you for doing this. very helpful
It's a great little tutorial when I saw the point of substituting an image of a product with one that isn't so used to death. Thanks for your work here!
mdonnelly21 Premium
No problem I would have more like that but my Snagit account is all used up
Yea, I did see that there is an "upgrade." So initially Snagit is a trial? You have so many you record before it goes premium? I have it on my computer but I've only used it a couple times almost two years ago.