It's best to start your search for a niche market, a narrow segment of a larger market, from your interest, know-how, and your passions. The reason is simply that you will work on an area where you have an interest. Your passion will drive you to success. So what do you like to do?

  1. Hobbies are great for niches. What do you do in your spare time?
  2. Do you like sports or other outdoor activities?
  3. Some of our members like gaming. How about you?
  4. Are you interested in certain social issues like preservation of the human race, education of children, etc.
  5. Do you like to travel? Do you like taking cruises or are you more likely to find your own way.
  6. Do you or a member of your family or someone you know have a health issue?
  7. Are you a fisherman that likes to make his own lures? I have a friend that makes beautiful pens with a wood body, and ex-FBI agent. Are you artistic or good with your hands.
I could go on here but you get the idea, don't you. Once you have a list of possible niche areas, you can get back to them later. Let's move on!

Next: Taking a Gander into DMOZ, Amazon, eBay and Your Local Mall

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theshoppbox Premium
Ok, so I have gotten 10 freakin emails now about "lets go find that niche market". Enough already!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rick Jantz Premium
I believe he is trying to fix the page order.
sidekick Premium
I with you on that one! What's up with all the emails?
TJ Books Premium
I haven't sent any emails. Maybe the system has for some reason. Rick said it may be because I was trying to fix the page order. Sorry about that. John
Rick Jantz Premium
Hi John. The WA system sends out emails to us if we follow you.
TJ Books Premium
I should have mentioned Google Trends and Google Suggest as niche finding tools. There are many others. John
Rick Jantz Premium
John, thank you very much for doing this. It's so nice to have these all in one place. I'm listening to Kyle right now :)
TJ Books Premium
You are welcome, Rick. Hope they get that edit function fixed or maybe I need fixing. John
Shields Premium
Fantastic: I believe you are saying that niches are to be found everywhere and anywhere, and I'm sure you're really just telling us that "you get around!"
TJ Books Premium
This blasted page order problem is driving me nuts. The edit function doesn't work right. Thanks for reading my stuff! John
TJ Books Premium
I had a page ordering problem again. The first page here Keyword
Research belongs at the end. John