Options allow you to create a drop down list of items for your form. Options can come in handy in forms if you wish to create a list for your visitor to select from.

The code is fairly simple for what it does:


How did you hear about us?

<option value="paper">Newspaper</option>
<option value="friend">Friend</option>
<option value="website">Website</option>
<option value="other">Other</option>


This is how it looks:

That is all there is to creating an option.

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Create a Custom List on your site.
2. How are you doing? Are you with us so far? Let me know how your doing in the comments section!

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Tirolith Premium
Very well done.

edensbox Premium
Thank you! I am going to add a couple of other units to go with it.
bill808 Premium Plus
Thanks, very worthwhile
edensbox Premium
thank you!