As you can see there is so much that goes along with writing a page with HTML.

HTML is just the backbone of a website. When you get into adding Wordpress or other items to your site you can build onto it.

You won't usually use HTML yourself on your website if you are using a Website Builder like Wordpress or Wix. Hopefully with these lessons, you have a tlitle idea of what the code should look like and be able to fix your own issues.

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Take a deep Breath! You guys have learned a lot so quickly.
2. Take a break for a bit while I work on another training!

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Tirolith Premium
Very well done.

edensbox Premium
Thank you! I am going to add a couple of other units to go with it.
bill808 Premium Plus
Thanks, very worthwhile
edensbox Premium
thank you!