A niche market is a sub-market of a large market. Automobiles is a huge market. Used Automobile Hub Caps is a niche market. There are four (4) important markets for niche marketers. They are :

1. Make Money or Wealth

Area for action could be making money, investing, or stock trading.

This is very competitive areas and generally it is not a good area for new marketers. Having said that, I have been promoting WA for years (and more recently JAAXY) that has always paid my annual WA tuition.

2. Health and Beauty

This is a good market but you must find a micro-niche to draw traffic specific to your goal which is to supply information that folks are actually looking for. Areas could be weight loss, muscle building, or disease remedies.

You need products that are already selling. O.K. so you have a dandy home remedy for curing herpes. Well, get a copywriter to prepare the information so that your product can be sold. Then get some affiliate marketers to promote your landing page. There are lots of products like this on ClickBank. In summary, you need your product in salable form, a professional landing page, and affiliate marketers. If your product is an ebook or .pdf, ClickBank or other such sites will put it up for you for a reasonable fee and take a small cut.

Examples: Cure Acne in 7 Days

You can promote many such programs at ClickBank. Just make sure they are already selling. Never try to promote or sell products that nobody wants.

3. Expensive Hobbies

Expensive hobbies could be golf, pets or the survivalist market. Golf is a market, golf equipment is a large niche, gold plated irons is a micro-niche (not really). The survivalist market is huge so you need to get down to the nitty gritty.

4. Relationships

Love is what we are generally talking about; marriage repair, getting an ex back, seduction, dating. There are many sites to promote. Getting accepted as an affiliate is another thing. You might have to be patient or contact the affiliate manager.

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LA2506 Premium
liked the idea of using PPC to see what traffic is coming to your site...thank you
TJ Books Premium
It saves time. You can test the keywords versus your site efficiency. Thank you! John
yancbren Premium
TJ Books Premium
You are welcome, Brenda.
Trialynn Premium
As usual John, eloquent writing!
TJ Books Premium
I thank you. Got any suggestions to make it better?
Trialynn Premium
John, you do a great job, you do not need suggestions!
Sades143605 Premium
Great post! As a newbie I found this enlightening and informative, thank you!
TJ Books Premium
Good because I wanted to give an overview which might make more since with the lessons. John
mamazepp Premium
TJ Books Premium
Thank you! It is one I started ages ago and decided to put an addition or so on it today. I'll be updating it with time. John