Single Composer - I want it now!

If you just need to share the content once and would not like to schedule it, stay on the Single Composer tab. Bear in mind that you will have to write two different snippets for Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest and for Facebook. You can see the reasons for that here -

Once you have written your message, when you click on "Add to Queue" you will see three options:

  • Share Next - You will place it in your schedule in order for it to be posted according to the times you have set-up. Don't worry - you can alter these as you wish on your Dashboard (more on this later).
  • Share Now - Does exactly this! Shares the content right now in the social media you have selected.
  • Schedule Post - Lets you select a date and hour in which you want the post to take place.

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LizPB Premium
Very cool!! Thanks
Muule Premium
Thanks, Daniel! When I get this far, this looks like a winner! Great training!
JaniceNichol Premium
Thanks Daniel. I'm sure this will come in handy down the road.
NicoleJBN Premium
Perfect, Daniel! This is a keeper and I'm happy to see that you found the time to create this training.

Buffer is a handy little tool for all your social media needs. It saves time and makes social marketing a breeze.

Thank you for this training!

All the best,
DanielLara Premium
Thank you Nicole, hopefully everybody can benefit from it! I use it on every single blog post I do.
NicoleJBN Premium
Everybody, who is using social media to share content will benefit from it. It makes it so easy to get your content out. Ever since I read your blog post about it I got more into Buffer and how it works.

Not going to get back to manually sharing it any time soon. :)

Once again, thank you!
Loes Premium
Great Buffer Training Daniël :)
DanielLara Premium
Thank you, Loes!