Here is the right way to improve Google Page Rank and build tons of search engine traffic:

  1. Write useful, engaging and quality posts every day
  2. Build high-quality external links (Inbound links)
  3. Allow readers to leave comments after the reading
  4. Take quality time to respond to comments and solve problems
  5. Build trust, credibility and authority
  6. Turn the one-time visitors into subscribers
  7. Install the broken link checker on your blog

    Write Useful, Engaging & Quality Posts Every Day

    To ensure you keep posting the kind of content that readers want, you must visit other industry-related blogs and read posts to see how they make people fall in love with their content.

    Many veterans make this horrific mistake by using vocabularies in their write-ups thinking they can impress readers with those words.

    If you’ve ever come across the Arianna Huffington’s blog – a blog that generates billions of traffic hits every month, you’ll discover that it’s not all about using vocabularies but simply about satisfying the readers’ appetites for helpful, remarkable and compelling content.

    So, when you sit in front of your computer keyboard to write, always find out what readers would love to read, not just what you want to write. This is how you can start building Page Rank for your blog.

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    FKelso Premium Plus
    A couple of questions, Israel. First of all, when we answer comments made on our websites,they do not go to the person who asked the question or made the comment. The only way they will see them is to come back to our site. That has to be true, because I have asked people who sent comments if they saw my reply,and they have always said "no."

    Second, how does Quora help our traffic? I answer questions on Quora daily, and don't get any response from them about my answers. Am I missing something?
    ophyax Premium
    Hello Fran,

    About your first question, you can install a plug-in that will let your commenter know that you responded to their comment. One of them is called "Comment Reply Email Notification".

    Best wishes, Phil
    FKelso Premium Plus
    I tried a plugin, and I think it might have been that one. It did not work.
    Israel17 Premium
    Kudos for being helpful, ophyax! Thanks for being there! You are a rocking blogger. Keep rocking, friend. Looking forward to your future accomplishments!

    Israel Olatunji
    ophyax Premium
    I guess you're right, Fran! I've been experimenting with it, and I never got any replies from my comments!

    But today, Zsolt had a post suggesting another one "Thank me later". I'll give it a try...
    Israel17 Premium
    Hi FKelso, thanks for your questions! You don't have to necessarily continue installing too many plugins on your site which may affect your page load speed and ranking negatively. There is a possibility of ensuring that commenters get notified when you respond to their comments, and that is by using a strong email service provider such as Aweber, MailChimp.

    If you really want to use Quora profitably, try embedding your relevant links (Up to 2-3 per answer) and multiply your traffic through Quora. Then maintain quality answers at all times. You will surely get rewarded. You are not just driving traffic alone; you are also building high-quality links for ranking. Thanks for asking!

    Israel Olatunji
    ophyax Premium
    cool thanks
    JulietAA Premium
    Thank you Israel
    Israel17 Premium
    It's great to meet you on board, Juliet. How is the business going over there? I hope you're now making some appreciable progress in the blogging ride! Keep creating. Keep building. Keep rocking, my friend. Wish you success in your online journey!

    Israel Olatunji
    ophyax Premium
    Basic but useful info, thanks. Always good to reread and keep in mind.
    Israel17 Premium
    I'm so much excited that you found the training useful, ophyax. Thanks for the reading and kudos for being a passionate blogger! Your success lies in building out quality content regularly, frequently and consistently as well as building quality backlinks to your site. Thanks for leaving a thought here!

    Israel Olatunji
    Sruffey Premium
    I needed your encouragement and your article has given me a new outlook on this business. I know making your first sale is the hardest thing to do in online marketing.I going to read your article, thanks for sharing your thoughts and I thank you the training. Thanks Sruffey.
    Israel17 Premium
    Wow, thanks for reading this tutorial and for finding it useful to your online business, Sruffey! Kudos for making great resolutions to build your personal blog towards becoming successful! Never relent on content marketing and link building. These are two excellent factors for ranking. Thanks for leaving a valuable thought here! Wish you much success in your online endeavors!

    Israel Olatunji
    bigrog44 Premium
    Thanks for sharing, Israel.
    Israel17 Premium
    Much welcome, bro! One particular thing you shouldn't forget to work alongside building out quality content is link building. Content and links are equally extremely crucial ranking signals in Google's search algorithms and this may not be affected by changes in algorithms. Thanks for visiting!

    Israel Olatunji