Author LynneHuy
Rank 1675

How to Youtube Yourself to Success!

Well the first thing is to get started of course. Get yourself out there and start your channel.

This video will show you the basics on setting up your Youtube channel, how to upload your Youtube videos, how to SEO your Youtube videos and how to monetize your Youtube channel.

This is just a beginners crash course, sharing what I have learned about Youtube. I monetized my Youtube channel 2 weeks ago and already I am making a (very small!) income from Youtube. This was with just a few videos.

If you are not sure about using Youtube just remember the following:

1) Adding Youtube videos to your blog posts is good for SEO so you will rank better!

2) You can add someone else's Youtube videos, but you run the risk of your audience running of to that persons' blog and making a purchase instead of from you!

3) It increases your authority and creates trust, you audience can really get to know YOU better.

4) Videos increase conversions!

5) Having a Youtube channel increases a way that your audience can find you through Google search, as well as through Youtube search! You really can increase your reach by a long shot.

6) You can earn money through purchases your viewers make through your links in your channel, but you can also monetize your channel so that you earn money from Youtube too!

Check Screen Cast O Matic to make videos for Youtube and if you are not sure how to make a Youtube thumbnail check out my previous training video:

So what is not to like? I suggest you get started as soon as possible!

If you have any questions or something to add please leave a comment and I will try my best to assist.

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njeanmichel Premium
Great stuff. Thanks
kiliwia62 Premium
Great training, thanks Lynne
dianegailit Premium
This is great Lynne!! Thanks for sharing and I am adding this to my favorites :-)
LynneHuy Premium
Glad you enjoyed it.. I hope to learn lots more and share it! This is just what I've learned in the last 2 weeks :)
SuphatPasree Premium
So far.
LynneHuy Premium
?? elaborate?
Junkexchange Premium
We have been talking about this for a while for our 'real time' business. What do you think the degree of difficulty is? What idea has been your best success so far? Thanks, Rod and Troy
LynneHuy Premium
Oh my gosh, my best success so far? Do you mean on Youtube or affiliate marketing, or my websites... ?
Junkexchange Premium
I was asking specifically for youtube. Thanks, Rod and Troy
LynneHuy Premium
Well it would be that when I am completely myself I get more views and when I am truly passionate about something.

So I think make sure that you talk about things you are passionate about. It comes through.

I don't plan my videos much, I just talk as me. I jot down a few points about what I want to talk about and then I just do it.

I think the big thing is to just DO it. If I waited until I "knew enough" or was "brave enough" I wouldn't have a Youtube channel :)

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