Now, you know you don't need to be afraid of text mode. More to that, you need it to insert your product links! So, how do I do that?
Inserting links - the easy way!
Here is how I insert my links to place them exactly where I want:you need to set some marks!! Simple as that! The goal is to put some marks in the visual mode that you will be able to find much easier in the text mode. Here is an example:
Let's say you have a products links as an image and you want to put it on the right side of your paragraph:
Your goal
What I do, instead of searching in the text mode the area the right spot, I put markers that I can find easily:
Markers in visual mode
In text mode
After that, you simply have to replace these markers with your image link. Back in the visual mode, you will now be able to finalize the positioning (with drag and drop) without having to move it a lot; the image will a ready be very close to his perfect position:
Drag and drop