The principle of StumbleUpon, is that every user can add interests. Then the user can start to "stumble" and based on the interest a random page of that topic will appear. It's like a random site generator based on your interests. So users can add links to websites too, and when they do they have to add topics related to this website.

The user also can like or dislike pages. The more likes a website has more likely it will be shown to users.

So StumbleUpon is like a randomized website finder based on your interests. If your bored next time then go and "stumble".

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WAlfano Premium
Thanks. This is something I will have to try.
Sirio Premium
It costs you just a minute, so you have nothing to loose. After publishing a post just add it to stumbleupon and the next day you can check on google analytics how many users came from stumbleupon.
WAlfano Premium
Thanks for the additional information
Sirio Premium
no problem, if you need more information or help, just let me know!
johnwnewman Premium
Thanks! I knew nothing about stumbleupon b4 :-)
holly68 Premium
Thank you very much for the training Sirio. It is great!
PjGermain Premium
Excellent training Sirio!
Sirio Premium
Thanks... I only started creating trainings, but there will come more soon and I am sure (I hope) they will get better with time :)
BarbaraJP Premium
Thanks again for the information!
Sirio Premium
Just let me know if there is something you need help with!