
Here are the statistics for this Facebook boosted posted.

Ad Spend

We spent $25 on the boosted post to an audience of people who would be interested in Bible studies.

We were not very specific on this. Facebook has tons of demographics so we simply chose one where people had expressed an interest in studying the Bible.

Raw Stats

  1. We had 3,335 post engagements, 164 shares and 138 comments
  2. Our cost per engagement was was less than a penny
  3. 230 new followers to our Facebook page (I'll talk a little later on why this is the most important number) at a cost of $0.10 per follower.
  4. 60 new subscribers to our e-mail list.

Step 1 to Targeted Leads and Sales

Brand Awareness

Let me talk a bit now on how to translate a FB boosted post into leads and sales for your business.

First, a campaign like this exposes a ton of people to your brand and to your Facebook page. This is a top of the funnel activity (awareness).

You are letting cold traffic know that you exist.

It is not likely that people are going to trust you (or even buy from you) on their first exposure to you. This campaign puts your name in front of a lot of people, and if you run similar campaigns, that consistency will begin to break down the trust barrier with people.

This is why having a website is an important part of the WA philosophy.

A good website, with useful and relevant information is the first connection to the know, like and trust factor that you need to build with people so they feel comfortable in taking your advice or in handing you their CC information.

Step 2 to Targeted Leads and Sales

Building an Audience

The second step to getting people closer to you with a FB boosted post is to connect them to your brand on Facebook.

The way to do this is to invite anyone who engages with your post to FOLLOW your Facebook page.

Here you can see the invite box that opens to invite people to follow your page.

This campaign generated 215 followers which doesn't seem like a lot given how many people interacted with the post. You'll have to determine whether $25 is worth the price of that.

The point is that on your Facebook page, you now have a group of people who will see your status updates to that page. They are more engaged. They have already raised their hand to say they are interested in your brand, in you, and potentially in what you have to offer.

Final Step

There is one more step in the process to converting this post into sales and leads.

I'll leave that to the next lesson.

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Cybersharph Premium
I am waiting for lesson three. Eagerly!