This is what you should see now

To unlock the domain

Go to websites -> Site Domains -> Settings

In the drop-down menu choose -> transfer domain

Set transfer lock to off and click on email epp code.

Your EPP Code will be sent to your Email used for registering at WA.

While you wait for email, go to the next page.

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banpaya Premium
Thanks for your tutorial. I would like to ask after I transfer my domain to the new host, does the info and how the website is will be transferred as well or it will start from scratch?

BryceNielsen Premium
I would say if your website was already built with Wordpress it will stay the same. Not sure if you were using a different platform.
nathaniell Premium
The domain and website are two different things. The domain is at the Registrar. The website is at the host. You can transfer just one, or both of those things between companies. I depends on what your goal is.

Transferring your domain to a new registrar is relatively easy. Just make sure your DNS is set up properly when you transfer, and there should be no downtime for your site, and everything will look the same.

Transferring your website to a new host takes a little more skill and precision!
banpaya Premium
Thank u nathaniell
ExpatMark Premium
A good tutorial but I see absolutely zero reasons to not use WA for free hosting. Nobody else compares.

Sigis92 Premium
Thank you!
Yes, I agree. Overall WA hosting really offers everything you need.

But, there are times when you may want to transfer the domain from WA.

Like in my case, I moved the domain from WA to put it to auction and sell it. Because you can't sell domain name while still hosted by WA, so that's one reason.

Another reason could be, maybe you can't afford your monthly membership and want to save your site before it is deleted and you move it to another host.

Or third yet unnamed reason heh

So there are reasons as to why would someone...

Anyway, thank you again

Best Regards

ExpatMark Premium
One learns something every day here at WA. Thanks. Good to know about selling a site.

Sigis92 Premium
sure no problem Mark :)

Victoria75 Premium
Hi Ziga,

Nice tutorial and insights!
Would you mind sharing the site you use to sell your domain?
That's something I've been curious about, but never really took the steps.

Sigis92 Premium
Hi Victoria
so sorry about this super late reply, but I was away...
I use GoDaddy's auction membership service
Best Regards