Getting your results. You can see it's now showing 'No mobile usability errors detected.

Thank you for taking the time to view. I hope this was helpful to you. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

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Nick-at-WA Premium
Thanks Ursa, it's a very good tip.
UrsaMajor Premium Plus
Thanks, Nick!
Mokoffee Premium
Thanks for this tip Ursa.

I didn't waste any time putting your tip to use and received a good mobile report stating my site was easy to use on mobile with no errors.

This is very important with mobile devices becoming more receptive to advertising than desktops or tablets. This would be a huge audience to miss.

UrsaMajor Premium Plus
Thank you! I appreciate your feedback! I live in a very rural area and even here the ratio of mobile to desktop is 80:20. It was about 45:55 two years ago.