Author Roybretton
Rank 6

In this training video, I would like to explain something that has helped me, regarding staying focused. It's using the Pomodoro technique and using focus sessions which is available on a PC.

Please have a look at the video and let me know if you have any questions.


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CherryRed20 Premium
Great tutorial, Roy. I appreciate the content given for this video.

Myra 💜
KLThayer Premium Plus
Microsoft To Do is the app that connects to the "Tasks" section of the Focus Sessions window, (bottom left). You have to have a Microsoft account to use it, but I find it's a great app where I can organize my to do lists by category. For example, I have my business tasks, household tasks and personal tasks categories.
KLThayer Premium Plus
I didn't know about the Focus Sessions using the clock feature on the PC, and as I followed along with your training, I discovered that Microsoft To Do actually connects automatically to the Focus Sessions main screen! How cool!
KLThayer Premium Plus
I don't use it like I should, but I have Microsoft To Do, which is a free app and connects my tasks to both my PC and phone. It allows items to be checked off once completed, and you can create different categories like Personal, Business, etc.
Triblu Premium
Hey Roy,

Maybe title this training as "Windows Users: Here's a FREE Way to Setup Focus Sessions".

Just a thought...

Thank YOU for this goodie. Didn't even know this existed... and, I've been using an online timer. LOL! Sily me, huh. <wink>