Author LisaVance
Rank 1386

Equipment needed:

To shoot your own video you need only a few items.

You can shoot with either a webcam, a hd camera, or a smartphone for videos that are off the screen.

For how to videos about wordpress or something inside of your computer the program i recommend is bandicam.<address above>not an affiliate.

Also if you are making a video not inside of computer you really need something to hold the smartphone or camera.

This usually is a tripod or anything that will hold it steady while it shoots.

Depending on the quality of device your using to shoot with you may also need to add extra lighting to the room.

You want to try to avoid the yellow orange look of not enough lighting.

Shooting videos is very fun and can be easily done by anyone.

Once you have the video shot then we will go to the next part of learning what do to next.

Editing files

After shooting a video you must then upload it to computer and edit video.

No matter how awesome you are,there maybe dead space in it and you want to take that out.

That is why I recommend Camtasia.

Also If shooting a video for Amazon you can not use a mp4 file.

I always make .wmv files for Amazon uploads.

There is two processes to do.

One is for Amazon.

One is for Youtube.


We will do Amazon process first.

Once you open camtasia, go to file, go to new project.

Inside of camtasia i recommend you delete all items from clipbin.

Then you import your files into camtasia that you shot.

Ok now your files are open now drag it from where it sits down to track 1.

Going through watching it you will come across first item you want to take out.

You can do that two ways.

1. make the sliding bar move across whole area you want deleted and hit cut.

2. set mouse where area is and click to make bar move there,and hit split.

3. go to other side where area ends and hit split.

then hit delete.

then drag the rest of the track to touch the other part,right click and stitch it.

If you do cut on your files you will avoid having to split and drag.

Ok you have went through and taken out all parts you do not want in video so now what.

Now you hit produce and share.

menu will pop up.

For amazon we will choose custom production settings.

have it do 1280 by 720.

hit next.

choose .wmv as file type.

hit next , next

output file:

name video

set location you can find to save it to.

hit finish then it will start rendering.


To upload to youtube:

hit produce and share, choose upload to youtube option

put in youtube account info

hit next next.

It will upload file to your channel.

Alright that concludes the video training for beginners.

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cawells Premium
Thanks, I might get brave enough to try it someday.
LisaVance Premium
hehe it is fun,do not worry about how good or bad,just do what you love.
kiliwia62 Premium
Thank you Lisa, this is so helpful and fantastic. It's bookmarked too, need a bit time to learn the editing. :)
LisaVance Premium
so glad you like it.
Geoff-n-Jane Premium
Thank you Lisa - have bookmarked.
LisaVance Premium
thanks i hope it helps
Rich908 Premium
Thank you Lisa this is all my Long To Do List
LisaVance Premium
i have a long list as well so i totally understand.;]
LisaVance Premium
thanks, I want it to be newbie friendly for someone that has never done it before. Do you think i met that?