How to schedule tweets for Free on Twitter

With twitters scheduling, you can schedule tweets freely. It is good you sign up with twitters ads. Ensure you navigate to the creative tab during the signup and save your card details. Click on the new tweet as shown below

It will open the composer platform where you can compose your tweet, add videos and images. Below you will observe the promote box. If you decide to show your tweet based on promotions alone, then you can select this box. If this box is left unselected, your tweets will be made available organically.

After inserting your tweet in the compose space, click on the arrow close to the tweet button

And select schedule, you can now set the date and time you want to publish your tweet. Your tweet will go published at the set time.

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jmg52 Premium
Very good training. Thank you
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Thank you for this kind words
David529 Premium
Thank you for the training
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You are welcome Dave
Keny44 Premium
Thanks for the awesome training. One thing I find challenging on Twitter is gaining followers. However I'm left with no choice but to keep pushing forward.
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You are welcome
Meenaf1 Premium Plus
Thank you very much for sharing.

I had read it once but I am sure I will need to come back to your block profile and re read if needed, when I will intend to do so.

Have a great Sunday afternoon,

Parameter Premium
Am glad you found it engaging
koawole Premium
This is the power of tweets, this training is straight forward and it explained in full details the scheduling of a tweets for free.

Thank you.

Parameter Premium
You nailed it bro