There are 2 ways that you can rename your menu

Step #1:

Sometimes you write a Page/Post with a long tail keyword. For example, "Wealthy Affiliate review - the best online university."

If you put this Page/Post to your menu, it doesn't make sense to have such a long menu title. Then you want to shorten the title. But what is the solution?

When you put a Page/Post as one of your menu items, you can rename title via Quick Edit that I described in last pages. But if you rename it by changing the title, you're going to change your Keyword. We don't want to change the keyword.

Then You can rename your menu without changing the keyword.

Step #2:

Go to Dashboard -> move your mouse on Appearance -> Choose Menu

Then Choose which Page/Post you want, then add it to a menu. In this case, I add "The Wealthy Affiliate reviews 2017 best affiliate university"

As I showed below, Click on the Page arrow to expand it.

Now you should change NAVIGATION LABEL. You can rename it to what you want.

Then, SAVE menu and finish. You rename your Page/Post without changing your main title and keyword.

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albert22 Premium
Great tutorial, Amir! I saved it for future reference. Thanks for posting.
AmirSetu Premium
Well done.
drcmaint Premium
Thanks for this.
AmirSetu Premium
Thank you dear.
jtaienao Premium
Thank you for this very useful training Amir.
AmirSetu Premium
This is my pleasure Jerome.
EdwardLarry Premium
Thank you for the lesson I changed title on post It worked out well I need help with my menu items are non-clickable How can I make them highlighted
AmirSetu Premium
What do you mean, highlighted? What do you want to do exactly?
EdwardLarry Premium
On the menu items hover it as a clickable link
pablocortina Premium
Thank you for the training. I am archiving this for future reference
AmirSetu Premium
You're welcome, I do my best to simplify the steps.