As I said before, you're an online entrepreneur and always there will be people who will not agree with what you do.

There always will be people, who will find out about how much money you earn and will send negativity and destructive criticism.

They will never disappear.

Just forget about them, do your work, walk your way toward your goals and you will be happy.

Here are a few advices in terms of how to react to criticism:

Another saying I heard was:

"No matter who we are people will always criticize, scold and/or judge us".

And you can't do anything about it.

This being said, if you want to be successful, earn a lot of money, be healthy and happy, get used to people "teaching" you how to live.

Anyway, I think you get the point.

I wish you all the success in your business and having the right attitude toward criticism sent your way.

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LynneHuy Premium
I loved this training and I think all newbies must take note.

I really think people need to remember that the way in which we do things can make a hug difference!

"Your website sucks" is really not nice, firstly it is not said in a nice way and most importantly it doesn't say why or give any help/ assistance/ advice/ suggestions on how to improve. This makes it a completely worthless piece of criticism to me.

If someone at least says "Your website sucks because.... " I can use this :)

I have received quite a lot of criticism and some of it has been nothing short of ugly. I will take that as a compliment because the only reason I can think of that people will give such nasty criticism in such a spiteful way must be because they are sick with jealousy.
Zarina Premium Plus
Hi Lynne,
Thank you for sharing your experience!
Personally, I think you're doing a good job in distinguishing what you need to pay attention to and what you don't. Good for you!
Thank you for sharing your experience with me and the others who are reading this comment.
Hope to see you around!
LynneHuy Premium
It is a pleasure Zarina :)
Zarina Premium Plus
adeelshafqat Premium
Wow you have well said "If you're not being criticized, then you're invisible" Keep it up friend.
Zarina Premium Plus
My pleasure, buddy :)
GarenArnold Premium
Remember the words if people start criticizing you; you must be doing something right.

Honestly, you don’t need to put a lot of emphasis on negative energy. It isn’t going to do you any good in the long run.

I think a lot of the criticism is taken wrong or with an emotional reaction. You can give someone criticism without saying it the childish way. For me I am always going to tell someone what I think in person on the internet, but in a way that isn't hurting their feelings. It's not what you say sometimes; it's how you say it.

For me I have heard a lot stuff over the years. In the beginning I used to rush into design and ask for feedback from others. I would get told something looks like a kid did it or it looks like it was done in 1996. Other times big companies have tried to publicly insult my credentials as a business owner.

I used to get really pissed about it, but at the end of the day you have to sit back and look at it and see what positives you can take away from it.

I got better at web design and improved my credentials as a result. So I guess it isn't all bad :)
Zarina Premium Plus
Hi Garen,
Great lessons you took out of your experiences!
And that's how it should be done really - we should see the positive side of every situation; take constructive criticism into consideration, and if not a constructive one, well, then just ignore it.
No need to waste time on haters. As they say, haters gonna hate :D
Thank you for taking time to tell us your experience and simply post a comment here.
I appreciate it!
Best of luck to you in your business, I am sure you will succeed with the attitude you got! :)
WindyCityUSA Premium Plus
Good advice, although difficult to actually do. Haters will be haters no matter what. Hope I will be in that position to either spam them or throw a knife at them, LoL.
Zarina Premium Plus
Haha although the knife part is funny, it's still better to just spam them :D
I think everything in life just takes time, patience and practice. In this case, it's just a practice to actually ignore such people.
We learn as we go!
bmontes Premium
100 percent true. Haters gone hate. Do you and keep it moving. Have a great year and shake em off.
Zarina Premium Plus
That's right :)