Your keyword needs to also be in your permalink. This will be taken care of for you if you did your title right the first time, but if you originally did not have your keyword in the title, saved a draft or published, and went back to change the title, then the permalink probably does not have the keyword.

Don't change the permalink if you already have stuff linking to the post otherwise all the links will break. However, if it is a new post you can change the permalink by clicking "edit" just below the title.

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rozz Premium
Hello ninjazrb,
Don't change permalink if I have what type 'stuff'' linking to my post?

Like the clean cut simplicity of your pages.
ninjazrb Premium
Let's say for example this is a post you've had for a while and you have social media linking to it, other posts within your website linking to it, etc. If you change the permalink you will break ALL of those.

Only play around with the permalink if it is a post you JUST made. Does that all make sense? (And thanks for the feedback)
LaurenA Premium
To follow on that question, does it break comments? For instance, if it's a post that's a couple days old, hasn't really been noticed by Google yet, but has two comments.

If you change the permalink, would those comments get lost, or does Wordpress switch them to your new url for you?
rozz Premium
Yes, explained perfectly. You are good! :)
LaurenA Premium
Does the alt text really make a difference? I haven't heard that before, so I haven't done any alt text for my pictures. Is it worth going back and adding alt text to all my images, or just adding them to the content I make from here on out?
ninjazrb Premium
It does make a small difference. If you have any articles near or on the first page I would go back and add alt text to those. Otherwise, I wouldn't worry about it. Good luck.
LaurenA Premium
Perfect. Thank you.
HelenpDoyle Premium
Tagged for future reference. Thanks
ninjazrb Premium
Glad you like it. Thanks for the feedback.
adaba063 Premium
simple and clearly stated -- great training!
ninjazrb Premium
Thanks for the feedback.
mwanzaw2002 Premium
Wow I'm loving this man. So true what you are saying, makes a ton of sense. I'm doing this on my site
ninjazrb Premium
Thanks for the feedback. Hopefully this helps people out.