Allotting the Imported Authors to the Prevailing Authors

Now, it's time to allot the imported authors to the prevailing authors on your site. This is really practicable where the same authors prevail in both sites. Radically, you can open a fresh WordPress account for each author's blog posts.

You can also choose to attach files. Once chosen, all the images associated with the posts/pages you want to import will also be imported.

Your posts are now ready to be imported into your site. This can be ascertained simply by checking out the posts and/or pages.

Note that posts and pages will still have the same information as before and both will obviously have the same publishing dates and many more.

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ecocatherine Premium
Hi Israel,

This is very interesting. I have an old site with about 150 posts. However, I made the mistake of knocking out content really fast while not paying attention to the small, but really important details:
Image names etc

As a result, I have lots of useful content that isn't getting ranked. I too know that it is bad to change URLs or content once published. So... I am considering building a new website.

Now for the questions:
1. Is it best to make the post improvements on the old site before moving it to the new one?

2. Do the new posts automatically have the URLS of the new site?

3. Some of my posts have been developed in ThriveThemes, will this work be transferred over too?

I really appreciate your help!
Israel17 Premium
You're much welcome onboard, ecocatherine! Here are the answers to your three questions:

Answer One: You can actually make any sort of improvement on a post you wish to move to another site, and once you've moved the post, those changes will follow suit.

Answer Two: Yes, those posts will automatically have the URLs of the new WordPress site.

Answer Three: So far they've been published after you finished developing them using Thrive Themes, they will remain intact even if they are moved to another site on WordPress.

Israel Olatunji
ecocatherine Premium
This is great news! Thank you so much for your help!
Israel17 Premium
You're most welcome, ecocatherine! Nice meeting you!

Israel Olatunji
ecocatherine Premium
An the same to you! I do have one more question for you - what happens with Amazon Stripe links?
Israel17 Premium
Oh, sorry, I don't know about Stripe links? Thanks for reaching out!
Socialbug766 Premium
I moved posts from one site to a new website. I am no longer going to be posting to the old website. What is the best way to handle this? It looks like from posts below that I will be okay to leave the old website up for 2-3 months and then delete it correct?
Israel17 Premium
Yeah, you will never need to post to the old website. All your posts now go to your new website. Exactly once you've let your former website redirect properly to the new one, you can then delete the old one at a later time. Thanks for visiting!

Israel Olatunji
AlexandriaD1 Premium
Will this work for content I have from a site to .org?

Thanks again.
Israel17 Premium
Yes, it does work for all WordPress websites, friend! Thanks for stopping by! Wish you success in your online endeavors!

Israel Olatunji
TMcKeever Premium
Thanks for this training. I just moved some posts from one category from one of my blogs to one of my new blogs where that moved category is the main purpose for the new blog.

Question is, what is the best way to delete all of those post (and it is a good amount) from the old site? I will get dinged if Google and others read that the content is duplicate content, right?

I never thought about the amount of work now that I am going to have to do to make these post good for the new blog. All of those links that were moved now need to be changed and redirected also.
TMcKeever Premium
Oh No!!! I did start to delete some from my other blog that I moved to my new blog. I will stop now for sure because I do not want to hurt my traffic on the blog that I exported from.

Will Google ding me if it shows I have repeated content out there on 2 sites? I am going to try and create new add-on content with the imported content but it will take a long time as I exported a whole category from the one site to the new site.

I may have bitten off more than I should have. Any created input anyone has is completely welcomed.
TMcKeever Premium
You are correct, Israel17 did a great job of posting how to get this done. I did follow that but it still leaves the content on the site that I exported it from. This is why I a concerned about duplicate content.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks a lot, Petra! I also learned this the hard way experientially. One should never delete in order to avoid getting 404 messages and all of that and many bounce rates in Google Analytics. Thanks for your wonderful contribution, my friend! Really appreciate this! Keep rocking your blog. Keep rocking WA. Keep rocking the online world. You're indeed a rocking blogger. Thanks for your visit!

Israel Olatunji
Israel17 Premium
Sorry about that, friend! You shouldn't have deleted immediately though, but waited for at least 2-3 months first before deleting. Not to worry at all! Just make sure you stop deleting until after this period lest you lose most of your returning visitors. Thanks for your visit!

Israel Olatunji
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your comment, my friend! Petra replied to your inquiry properly. Kudos to Petra! He's a rocking blogger. Thanks!

Israel Olatunji
Israel17 Premium
Yes, you're right, Petra, he needs to update his URL in earnest for a confirmation. Thanks for your help!

Israel Olatunji
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for this, my friend! Google recognizes you as the rightful owner of the content even for as long as the content remains on the site you exported from. Thanks for getting back! Wish you much success in the online world!

Israel Olatunji
Israel17 Premium
You're correct, Petra. There is no need to delete to avoid getting higher bounce rates and all of that. Thanks for contributing to this! Thanks for being helpful! You're much appreciated, friend.

Israel Olatunji
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for getting back, TMcKeever! Just leave the content for a couple of months. Google recognizes that you're the rightful owner of the content you exported. Don't worry at all. Wish you much success in your online endeavors!

Israel Olatunji
SylviaMG Premium
This is totally beyond my comprehension...

I may change my link in April when the site comes due to renew and then move my info over, but I know I'm going to need help as I have NO IDEA how this is done other than copy and paste.
Israel17 Premium
Don't worry at all, SylviaMG. As you continue moving forward in your business leveraging the amazing tools and resources available at WA as well as asking questions on the Live chat platform and elsewhere, you'll surely continue growing in the knowledge of the business. In case you may need to move posts or pages from one WordPress site to another in the future, bookmark this resource. It will surely save you some stress then. Thanks for stopping by!

You may also go through any of the following resources at your leisure. They provide useful blogging tips to become successful online. Israel Olatunji