Creating a Digital Course

If you have a particular skill that can show others how to do certain things, it could be a great choice to create an online course. If you visit most authority blogs in your industry, you’ll discover Online Courses are added in most cases.

As newbie bloggers are increasing in number, such online courses will turn out a great help for those who really want to make cool and consistent money working from home.

Selling Your Blog or Website for Multiple Earnings

While the whole process of building out content on a site has been figured out, it is good if the same practice could be repeated. But there’s an alternative way to make a lot of money using this strategy as well – which is all about selling an established website you already possessed and built!

The ease there is, you can sell an already-built site for a multiple of what it’s generating you currently every month. To keep others aware of your sell plans and rates, you can simply leverage the online communities, newsgroups and forums.

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la1 Premium
Great information I didn't know that.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for dropping by, la1! Glad you found the information helpful and awesome for your business goal in this online world of numerous and unending opportunities! Check out one or more of those revenue opportunities talked about in the post and be ready to explore the digital world in making cool and consistent money from the comfort of your home. Thanks for your contributions!

Israel Olatunji
la1 Premium
Thank you Israel,
I will do that and excited about creating revenue opportunities
Claudiojuan Premium
Hi Israel,
Very valuable information to consider some to develop in the near future. Thank you!
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for leaving a thought, my friend! Much appreciated! Opportunities are numerous and limitless in this digital world, and building a website of your own is the greatest way to explore the online world working from the comfort of your home. Most of the revenue opportunities mentioned in this tutorial are some that I've personally been earning from for some years now and they are all fantastic even for a struggling veteran blogger. Thanks for your valuable contributions!

Israel Olatunji
Emielia Premium
Thank you for the enlightenment
Israel17 Premium
Hey Emmanuel, thanks for your valuable contribution! Much grateful! Yes, you have numerous money-making opportunities at your disposal in the digital world and can begin to rock as soon as you're willing to set up your own website (Virtual real estate). Please, let me know if you ever have any challenge to face in the course of setting up your first website following the online entrepreneur certification. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
DianeScorpio Premium
Hi - as far as I am aware, Adsense does require daily traffic and at least 20 posts to be accepted.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your contribution to this tutorial, DianeScorpio! Much appreciated! It's good one must have some quality posts with some decent and considerable amount of traffic prior to applying for Google AdSense, though I submitted an application when I had only published 10 quality posts on my blogs and have received some comments as well. I also knew a blogger who got approved for AdSense with 6 great articles on his blog. This definitely shows that Google doesn't have a specific post count requirement for approving blogs, but those factors mentioned already are the necessary conditions for getting approved rather. Thanks for your valuable contribution, my friend!

Israel Olatunji
Cc843002 Premium
I love the listed options for making money leveraging my blog content. If a new blog with very little traffic gets rejected by Google Adsense, which other options do you recommend ?
Jaz333 Premium
Hi - I have heard to be approved by Adsense, they will want to see 20-30 relevant articles and daily traffic when they review the site.

I would suggest you continue to build out your site with quality content and apply again in the future.

Good luck to you, Shannon
Cc843002 Premium
Thanks, Shannon.
Israel17 Premium
Hello Chris, no matter how little your website traffic may be currently, that's not basically the cause of the AdSense disapproval. There are some factors that could be attached to AdSense approval such as irregular posting, sub-standard blog content, absence of privacy policy, Contact us, About Us, and other similar pages.

I got approved for AdSense within 10 days of starting my first website when I had not yet got any much traffic. Start posting frequently, add the necessary pages to your website, remove all forms of advertising from your site and re-submit an application. You'll get approved this time around. Thanks for dropping by!

Israel Olatunji