Step 2- Insert your link

To insert my link I will use this code:

  • As you can see, I have placed the phrase that I have chosen inside of this code.
  • This part of the code:#link to same page is called id, and I can choose to call it whatever I want. I can call it #link, #read, #read the relevant paragraphs etc.

So my text editor looks like this now:

We have one more thing to do and we're ready. We have to insert one more code in the point where we want our visitors to be linked to.

This is the code, and it contains the id name that I just created:

My text editor looks like this now:

We're done!!!!! :)

I am going to continue with case b one the next page.

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TJnow Premium
Thanks I´m using it in my newest post. I just realized that you need a different id for every different internal link on the same post. That is now quite clear to me.
Have a good time.
Athanasia Premium
Yes, the id's have to be unique.
I'm glad this was helpful to you :)
LindaBaxter Premium
That helps me too, Thanks
SadieChan Premium
Thanks for the training, instead of linking to another page, can we type link to the URL of another page?
Athanasia Premium
You're welcome :)
A link consists of an URL, so yes, basically it's the same thing.
Dinh Premium
Great training!
Kismet12 Premium
This is really funny, just this morning I was thinking how to do this because I used to do it al the time when I designed websites, but that was many years ago and I simply can't remember everything, then I opened my email before I even opened any of my websites and this was on the very first line, crazy.

Anyway after all of that I want to say thank you for not making me have to go look it up :)
Athanasia Premium
I'm happy it was helpful for you :)

This is actually the first training I have created and I'm very happy that I had some responses.

Thank you guys!!
vg9 Premium