First off, if you have done this, DO NOT PANIC! It is NOT the end of the world nor have you lost all chances of your lenses doing well. With time and some effort, this issue will resolve itself.

How Can I Mess Up Getting My Lens Indexed?

I see this all the time. A new lensmaster makes a new lens. Immediately, they go all over Squidoo dropping keyword optimized anchor text links to their new lens on various guest books. Within a short time, I will get an email saying something along the lines of...

"My lens is not in the index! Its been FOREVER! And when I search for my keywords on Google, some OTHER lens is coming up for my targeted keywords... and their lens isn't even ABOUT my keywords!! Help!"

n guest books with their keywords as anchor text are NOT helping to get their lens indexed. In fact, it can really screw things up if you do it BEFORE Google knows your lens brNow, the blue links to your lensmaster page are a good thing, and Google very well MIGHT crawl your author page and see your new lens (IF Squidoo has given it a 'green check' already and it shows up on your lensmaster page).br brfont size="3"Bottom Line/fontbr brDo NOT go dropping links to a new lens until AFTER Google has indexed your lens. It is fine to promote your lensmaster page in hopes Google will see the new lens....but do not drop anchor text to a new lens in a guestbook until Google knows your lens /b">

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Whistler Premium
Thank you! I have some lenses that are a month old and are still not indexed in Google. Do you think making a blog with Blogger and posting with a link to them will help?
robbied Premium
I 2nd that comment!
- RobbieD
Jillo Premium
I 2nd that comment!
- RobbieD
ccmusicman Premium
Good Tutorial!

geo96929 Premium
Good Tutorial!
