The wordpress editor menu

When adding a new post or page, the classical wordpress editor shows up like this:

Much can be said about these. Let us start with a short description.

Know that (a) is your VISUAL tab and (b) is your TEXT tab. We start with the visual tab, since it allows you to view your formatting . What can we do in this tab screen:

  1. Set your headers
  2. Bold and italic
  3. Ordered and unordered lists
  4. Quote
  5. Alignement
  6. Link
  7. Open an extra format menu witch shows extra possibilities
  8. Fonts and colors
  9. Paste in plain text. Unless you toggle this off
  10. Shadow
  11. Special.characters
  12. Indent of your text
  13. UnDo and redo

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ToniP2 Premium
Thank you for this, it has helped me because I couldn't figure out how to change the font.
Fleeky Premium Plus
so glad!
nsilva2270 Premium
This is great info Fleeky. I've been doing all my editing in Word then copy and pasting it to my content template because I didn't know how to edit. Now I do. Thanks.
Fleeky Premium Plus
Happy2Learn Premium
Thanks for sharing
Fleeky Premium Plus
3rdbaseman Premium
Thanks Fleeky….great info, had no idea about 2nd function bar....adding color, etc.
Fleeky Premium Plus
Yes... quite hidden indeed
Olivia108 Premium
Thank you. I was wondering how to do this and couldnt' figure out why there wasn't a formatting bar... xx
Fleeky Premium Plus
Take care... let me know when stuck