When writing a text is not enough!

It is important to format it to you liking with appropriate accents. For those who use wordpress for the first time, a mystery since one of the tool bars is hidden.

How to activate the format bar

The first thing to do when you enter the wordpress editor is to activate the format bar. You do that by clicking on the last button (1) and a new menu bar unfolds with several new features that allow you to set or format your text.

The screen looks like follows in the classical editor:

You will recognize some features if you are already familiar with other word editors. For those who see this for the first time, a little explantion is needed.

Let us give this a second look in the next page

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ToniP2 Premium
Thank you for this, it has helped me because I couldn't figure out how to change the font.
Fleeky Premium Plus
so glad!
nsilva2270 Premium
This is great info Fleeky. I've been doing all my editing in Word then copy and pasting it to my content template because I didn't know how to edit. Now I do. Thanks.
Fleeky Premium Plus
Happy2Learn Premium
Thanks for sharing
Fleeky Premium Plus
3rdbaseman Premium
Thanks Fleeky….great info, had no idea about 2nd function bar....adding color, etc.
Fleeky Premium Plus
Yes... quite hidden indeed
Olivia108 Premium
Thank you. I was wondering how to do this and couldnt' figure out why there wasn't a formatting bar... xx
Fleeky Premium Plus
Take care... let me know when stuck