Author bmontes
Rank 1963

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to show some of you newbies what I do to my post and pages to try and help them move up the ranks in google.

Maybe not anything new for you professionals, but I hope you all find it helpful.

1. Log in to google console.

2. Click on Search Appearance

3. Click on Search Analytics

4. Check the box that says Position

5. Click on Pages.

6. Select a page or post that you want to help move up the ranks.

7. Click on that page and select Queries.

Here you will see all the kw's that page or post is ranking for. Look for the ones on the 2nd page of google and target that kw in your post or page. Just add 500 words or so or maybe a video.

I love that google ranks you for more kw's that you didn't even target.

So help your post or page out by trying this method. Give it some google juice.

I would appreciate any feedback or comments about the training. I haven't been doing videos too long as you can probably tell. Really nervous and I hope the info came out properly.

Please hit the LIKE button and SHARE.

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Ericabried Premium
Really useful training. Thank you.
bmontes Premium
My pleasure.
MaxDrljic Premium
Thanks for this video, it is very helpful.
bmontes Premium
Your welcome.
marwil Premium
Wonderful training and something I really needed. It's come just at the very time I've been wondering about some of this stuff... so thank you VERY much! I will definitely be bookmarking it so I can get to fully understand all you said.
bmontes Premium
Thanks. So much to learn. WA is great.
theresroth Premium
This is very useful, thanks!
bmontes Premium
Thank you. I'm glad you found it useful. My job is done:)
BeauAndNik Premium
Excellent training my man!
bmontes Premium
Thank you. Much appreciated.