Choice yourTracking ID. Check the image below.

To create your store click.

Click ADD CATEGORY image below.

For each page, you have three options to select products from Amazon's inventory.

  1. Hand pick products for each page
  2. Display products from Amazon Listmania list
  3. Display products that belong to selected Amazon categories or sub-categories. These pages will automatically show best-selling products for the selected categories. In addition, you can streamline the content of a category page to include products that contain a specific keyword.

1. Look at the picture "SUBCATEGORY TITLE" box just type the category you want.

2. The next box you have two choice " ADD INDIVIDUAL" OR "ADD AMAZON PRODUCT CATEGORY".

My advice if you are a first timer just use the amazon product category to make it easy for you.


4. Next box "CATEGORY DESCRIPTION" just copy 1 of the options in the top (1-3). I use option #3.

5. Then click "SAVE CHANGES".

6. CLICK Continue

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Dinh Premium
Nice training. FYI, if you get stuck you can also call amazon affiliate support and they will walk you through the process
ormbear Premium
Great job! this will be useful to all at WA. Thanks so much.
renelynm Premium
your welcome ormbear :)
TanjaRita Premium
I had heard they were discontinuing the a-store but it is still on the amazon site. I'm not sure if or when this might be happening. Thanks for the training.
renelynm Premium
I'm not sure about that information, the astore is still there so we just give a try to do it :). The we see what will happen next at list we take action for the opportunity :)
sarahmcleod Premium
I have had no Amazon revenue from a-store links and I had been using them for a few years. I am about to change those links to a new platform I use. My Azon stores won't work on this hosting for there is too much to be set up and they do use a lot of resources. There are free plugins like just search through the plugins on your site using "Amazon" as the search term. There are a few options.
renelynm Premium
Thank you, Sarah I try to do that trying my best to get to know more about amazon being associated to earn this is the great tips :)
JesseNY Premium
Thanks for the info. It is very informative. To be honest though I was a little lost on where to go on amazon to do this until reading the last page of the lesson. Might want to add the astore link at the beginning.
renelynm Premium
Thank you, JesseNY, ok I will do that now :)
PIOFJR Premium
Thank you Renelyn. Can you actually make a single page just for the Amazon store in your site without compromising the SEO?
renelynm Premium
I'm not sure about that PIO, I just try to create store I'm planning to put it in my Facebook page, I did t embed to my website also, Just for my experiment :) I see how it works.
PIOFJR Premium
I've done just by the widget on my site, I pasted the html code of my selected products and it's only showing 1 out of 2 products in my post/page.

That's why I wondered if we can create a single page on our site just for the Amazon store. I've tried scouring through WA search question box, but I can't find any.
renelynm Premium
I do embed 1 page to my website it is very different from pasted the code on widgets.

did you check this training?
PIOFJR Premium
I'll check that out. Thanks Renelyn :)
renelynm Premium
Welcome PIO good luck :)