After checking your work and you like what you see it's time to put it into a PDF format, there are 2 ways to do this, on the top nav bar is a PDF button if you click on this it will export the pages into a PDF, the problem with using the nav bar button is you new PDF is not protected, and anyone can change your links or anything they want.

So to protect you new PDF click on the file tab and then click on Export as PDF, this will open a new window.

You have a lot of options you can use from this window, but the one we want to protect our new PDF is the Security tab.

Click on the security tab opens a new window.

You can set a password that would be needed to open the PDF, this can cause some problems for you if you decide to use this, everytime someone opens the PDF to read they would have to put in the password, if they lose it they are going to be sending you an e-mail, not recommended that you use this feature. But what we do want to set up is protecting are links so we click on set permission password.

We add our password and confirm it then click ok.

Here you tic the options that you will allow to be done with your product, I have allowed printing, and text reading tools, but they can not make any changes, then I click on export.

Pick where you want to save your finished product, when you pick a file name be sure you don't leave any blank spaces, 100 dollars a day, will cause a funny url and may not work, so 100-dollars-a-day or 100dollarsaday is best to use.

Now open up your PDF on the top left side bar you should see a picture of a lock which means no changes can be made without the password, take the time to check all your links, sometimes the links are broken, or have funny things added to them. all you need to do is put your mouse on the link to check them.

Ok I have checked all my links and I'm ready to upload my new product to my site.

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scoby Premium
Your Comments have made it worth the time it took me to put this together.

reggiemax26 Premium
I have been wanting to know how to upload an e-book to a website for a LONG time. I am with deserve a lot of Gold. Thanks for the info!
hawk22 Premium
I have been wanting to know how to upload an e-book to a website for a LONG time. I am with deserve a lot of Gold. Thanks for the info!
jeffrey73 Premium
You deserve a LOT of Gold for this one! Thanks a ton!
pjkentmarketing Premium
You deserve a LOT of Gold for this one! Thanks a ton!