Last Name as Twitter Handle

Many people have a unique last name and therefore decide to use their last name as their Twitter handle. If you choose to use only your last name as a username, you may find yourself without a first name in the eyes of others. Again, this goes back to online branding.

Now, if you are in the military, then you are probably used to be called by your last name and this may be perfectly fine, especially if your niche is the military and you are branding yourself as a brave and honorable service member. By the way, if you are a service member, thank you for your service.

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AlexEvans Premium Plus
Hi Steph , a timely tutorial thank you. Practical information.
stephhill Premium Plus
Thank you Alexander!
2Al Premium
Steph, I'm using my name as my username. Thank you for sharing.
stephhill Premium Plus
You are most welcome. :)
Give It A Go Premium
Hi Steph. Thanks for this training. I just recently opened my twitter account and managed to be able to use my name with an underscore at least. This was really helpful in terms of understanding how Twitter works in the whole SEO process. I didn't know this so thank you very much. Ange
stephhill Premium Plus
You are most welcome!
DeniseOlsen5 Premium
Very good lesson. I actually have a Twitter account, but have not used it for a very long time. I may have to reconsider that now.
stephhill Premium Plus
I am glad this tutorial was helpful Denise. Have a great day!
speedicut Premium
Very timely lesson because I just happened to sign up for twitter today.
My nickname locally in the bottled water biz is Water Dude so I'm TheWaterDude@TheWaterDude1 for a lack of something better....I might change it if I can think of something else.
You're right about the 15 characters though...I wanted it to be my website but it is way too long for Twitter.
BTW if anyone wants to follow me I'll have 1 follower!
Thanks Steph!
stephhill Premium Plus
Hi David:

WOW That is super timely! You just signed up today?! I will be happy to follow you on Twitter. Have an awesome day! Thanks for commenting!
