In today’s training tutorial, I’m going to enumerate what you can do to blog with your current full time job.

Here are five ways to cope with your full time regular job while blogging:

  1. See blogging as an important part of your life and observe it as such.
  2. Remember always that blogging is more of writing and endeavor to write seamlessly based on your passion.
  3. Schedule your blogging routine based on the remaining hours of your day earlier than midnight.
  4. Endeavor to incorporate a lot of proven strategies into blogging within your daily blogging schedule.
  5. Become a rocking blogger after a while and quit your regular white collar job for blogging.

See Blogging as an Important Part of Your Life and observe it as Such

To pull forward in spite of your regular white collar job, you need to regard blogging as part and parcel of you and, thus, treat it as such. This simply has a lot to do with your mindset. Without getting the right mindset, it would be difficult to go on blogging along with a daily regular full time job, whereas, so many people are always in this category early in blogging.

How would you save yourself in the struggles of life? Won’t you consider blogging as a way to justify yourself from the slavery job you’ve been doing for years? Wouldn’t you see blogging as a task that will help you turn your passion into a thriving online business? If you believe you can build a successful blog, don’t hesitate to follow this piece of advice and start a new lifestyle before the end of the year.

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barry0z Premium
Thank you very much for transferring your knowledge to us. Hopefully it will benefit everyone, to continue this journey.
Israel17 Premium
Kudos to you, Barry! Thanks for stopping by and for finding my training tutorial helpful to your business! Much impressed for appreciating my humble blogging stuff right here! You'll soon quit the full-time offline job so far you can continue to follow these pro blogging strategies that I suggested in this training. Thanks for your passion!

Israel Olatunji
mytreebark Premium
I really don't see how anyone could do this with a fulltime job. I can't do it with a part-time job. It is extremely, extremely difficult for me to write anything. It's awful. I hate it. Not sure wealthy affiliate is right for me.
Israel17 Premium
Much sorry about the full-time job stress, mytreebark! It's normal in life that we pass through such hard times so that we have every reason to live a better life as soon as we begin to have our breakthroughs in blogging. WA is the sure program for you if you really wish to quit the stressful job soon. WA has all you need to build out your blogging empire and watch it skyrocket in search engine result pages (SERPs) soon. Thanks for your comment! See you at the top of the online world soon!

Israel Olatunji
Socialbug766 Premium
Thanks for sharing. It is frustrating when you have a 8-5 and not much time to do anything else. We’ll just keep plugging along with your encouragement.
Israel17 Premium
Yes, I agree with you, Socialbug766, that it's so frustrating when one does not have any much time for doing other necessary things of life due to securing an 8-5 full-time job. But it's certain that, by implementing the suggested strategies, quitting such a job soon is guaranteed. Thanks for stopping by!

Israel Olatunji
Karim78 Premium
Really the exact advices that I need at the right time, because really really I m so tired, 9-5 stressful job, I have to write new posts , fixe technical issues in my website, learn the courses, learn new things about WordPress, be actif in WA platform and the last not the least I have to deal with language , English is not my first one.
Really it's not easy at all.
Thank you for those golden advices. I have to read it again and again.
Israel17 Premium
Sorry about the whole stress of working a full-time job alongside blogging, Karim! No matter what the challenge might be or the extent, you'll surely find a way out towards getting financial freedom. And once you've got your financial freedom, you'll quit the stressful 9-5 job right away. Thanks for your lovely comment~ See you at the top of the online world soon!

Israel Olatunji
tpchan Premium
This is perfect! I'm struggling with my blogging because of my 9-5 job and sometimes I feel guilty that I don't put enough time into my website. I try hard to schedule time but man, after that 9-5 I'm already drained... plus having to put in time for a workout and cook & eat leaves me with literally just a few hours left.

In those few hours I want to just relax but then I have this blogging thing I need to work on if I want to quit my 9-5. I guess there's some sacrificing I need to do; like my relaxation time. Then, when I get the blogging thing going I can quit my 9-5 and actually have time to RELAX while traveling, even better!

But for now, I must go through the struggles!!!
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by, tpchan! Much appreciated! It's been a thing of the challenge for most people out there to cope with blogging while working on a full-time basis under an employer and this is what some people are going through right now, but it's now been suggested that anyone can make it to the top in the blogging world so far the right strategies can be implemented.