Link Farms, PageRank For Sale, & DoorWays...

Link farms...

You need to be very careful about what is included in your links when it comes to AdSense.

Search engines are aware we can't control our links, however, we can control where we link.

I must confess, I had never heard of it until I did some research, and the search engines don't like it, especially Google!


What is a link farm?

From the Google dictionary...

A set of web pages created with the sole aim of linking to a target page, in an attempt to improve that page's search engine ranking.

"When soliciting inbound links to your site, avoid link farms and other sites that have obvious artificial links"...


Page Ranks For Sale...

Again, this one was new to me!

Apparently, there are sites out there, who sell and trade their PR links!

If you know about it, or if you are doing it, google will catch you...expect a tap on the shoulder from the Google God!


This expression is just another way to describe Page Cloaking.

If you're loading a web page with rich keyword ads with the intent of redirecting visitors and potential buyers to other 'user-friendly' sites, it's frowned upon by all the search engines.

Best practice...try to avoid the above at all times!

The next page is...

Multiple domains having the same content...


Check out this training on AdSense from one of our Ambassadors Marion Black...


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jtaienao Premium
Never heard of the term page cloaking. Thanks Steve for this training.
Steve1958 Premium
I learned a few things as well Jerome!
PatrickM1 Premium
Steve - Thanks. Very interesting. The learning curve gets much steeper.
Steve1958 Premium
You're welcome Patrick :)
VeronicasLuv Premium
As I mentioned in my last post, I was rejected by Google AdSense, and what DOESN'T make sense to me, is that I am not in violation of anything that you mentioned, nor does my site seem to have any of the issues they pointed out to me. Very strange indeed, but apparently, there is something on my site that offends Master Google, so I'll have to take some time to look into it, and contact their Support Team.

Thanks for the training this your idea of rest....
Steve1958 Premium
Don't take it to heart...

They refused me as well and I couldn't understand because they had already approved me for the same site!!!

Give it a bit of some more posts...then try again!

lol yes me having a rest :)
VeronicasLuv Premium
OK, thanks for the tip!
Steve1958 Premium
I meant to say...

If that doesn't work...let me know...

I'll hop a plane...visit Mountain View, CA...grab the nearest Google God I can find...and give them a good tongue lashing and a slap for good measure if they don't approve you immediately lol just for YOU! :)

You'd never believe it...I visited Mountain View in 1997!

My sister was a nanny for a family there...I don't think the Google Gods existed then!
VeronicasLuv Premium
Da Beast giving the Google gods a "good tongue lashing".... THAT would be the event not to miss!!!

I've said it once.....I'll say it again.....All Hail Da Beast!!!

We are your unworthy subjects, willing to catch the crumbs that fall from your golden plate.....and will not hesitate to fight for those crumbs, should the mice try to scramble to snatch up those same crumbs!!! All Hail Da Beast!!!
Steve1958 Premium
rofl Veronica...
You crack me up!
xanfo Premium
Very greatfu Steve. This will be helpful.
reanna1 Premium
Great stuff, Steve! I learn a lot from it! Thanks for sharing!