Helpful Tips to Improve the Value of Your Courses

To improve your total earnings from selling online courses, apply these tips.

I - Improve Your Knowledge

The extent of what you know will determine what you will teach your students. And if you want to deliver high valued courses, then you need to improve on what you know.

II - Boost Your Brand Awareness

Instructors that are well-known in a particular field of study are more likely to charge higher than the lesser-known instructors. That's because people recognize them as those instructors who are authority figures.

You will have to invest in your brand by publishing content that is in line with your chosen niche. And with time, you will find your popularity growing, and you'll be able to charge higher for your courses.

III - Your Niche

A niche is a narrow segment of the market that has profit earning potentials.

One of the ways that niche marketing helps is to identify industries that are very popular. And with this knowledge, you will discover areas where you can thrive without much competition.

It's the same as selling online courses by choosing courses that are based on profitable niches yet having less competition from other instructors.

IV - Income of Your Audience

You have to factor the average income of your target audience when choosing courses. Courses designed for students and those for business executives cannot be priced the same way.

If you want to charge higher prices, you need to create courses for high-income earners.

V - The Training

Courses may be introductory or cover a topic in-depth. They could also be delivered in as eBooks, or a variety of formats.

An in-depth course would surely cost more than an introductory course.

It's the same as course formats – A course that comes in eBook, audio, blog posts, and videos will cost more than a single eBook.

VI - How Effective is Your Promotion?

You can have the best course content and yet not sell very much if your promotion isn't effective.

That's where the expertise of online marketers is needed. But if you don't have money to engage one, you can use a well-designed blog to promote your courses.

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Dorrie1 Premium Plus
Thank You for the lesson great job
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for leaving a thought on my digital learning training, Dorrie! You've been very helpful with your time and engagement! You're a passionate entrepreneur. Thanks again, my friend!

Israel Olatunji
Dorrie1 Premium Plus
Thank You for the kind words my friend
Parameter Premium
Thank you Israel, my take away from this training: creating online courses is same as creating royalty for once self

Israel17 Premium
Wow, that's true, Ayodeji! You're absolutely correct to describe the income as royalty for yourself. Very accurate! Thanks for leaving a thought on my e-learning tutorial!

Israel Olatunji
Eugene Premium
Good stuff my friend, thanks
Israel17 Premium
Much appreciated, Eugene! I hope you enjoyed reading my e-learning tutorial! Meet you at the top soonest, my awesome friend! I appreciate your comment.

Israel Olatunji
dcasa14 Premium
You have got me thinking about on-line courses. Thank you.
Israel17 Premium
Oh, that's awesome to know, dcasa14! Much excited! This is the best time to consider teaching online, as education has finally gone online. So, the e-learning industry is going to become more and more rewarding as everyone continues to see the need to learn completely online.

Israel Olatunji
JMatonge1 Premium
Very helpful and relevant tips. Thanks for sharing.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for leaving a comment on my e-learning training, Joseph! Much appreciated! Glad you found it helpful and relevant!

Israel Olatunji