5. Competition in Your Industry

No matter how competitive your industry might be, you can attract a lot more traffic and attention, particularly if you’ve set a high level of quality for the standard of the content you create right from the onset.

For instance, if you’re publishing up to 32,000 words in great articles monthly on your blog, you can expect to rank higher and faster than competitors who could only manage to cope with 10,000 words a month on their blogs. Just adhere to the rule of quality over quantity and you will pull the traffic in no distant time.

If your competitors are pouring out a ton of quality and long-form articles to their blogs weekly, then go an extra mile and pull in a lot more to beat the reach. So, you can outpace your competitors with more quality and compelling content, published more consistently and promoted more frequently.


To determine how many posts you can publish to start seeing exponential traffic growth on your blog, it always depends. It depends on how much time you’re willing to devote to your blogging activities. It depends on how much efforts you’re willing dedicate to success, and lots more.

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Dhind1 Premium Plus
Words to live by my friend.
Consistency is the key and quality is what we are looking for.
The number of posts will be different for everyone, but if we keep up quality posts consistently, we will get there.

Israel17 Premium
Yes, you've said it all, my friend. Consistency is the key. A consistent blogger is someone with the right mindset and a potential super affiliate for that matter. So, the number of posts to start getting exponential traffic growth is going to be different as you said. You're absolutely correct. One thing is guaranteed and you've also mentioned that already - pouring out quality content consistently!

Thanks for your comment!
Israel Olatunji
Tirolith Premium
No two people have the same ability to advise how, when where and why.

There are many things that control our ability to have a result.

“Lack of Action Breeds a Lack of Ability.” Tom Short.

“When You do Something You Actually Become Smarter.” Tom Short.

“Courage, Consistency, Commitment when added together, equals success.” Tom Short.

“Focus, Patience, Persistence, when added together, Wins The Race of life.” Tom Short.

Thank you for your time,

Israel17 Premium
Wow, Tom! you said a lot in your comment and that's deeply appreciated! Thanks so greatly! What's more? Once every individual can have the focus, patience, and persistence, success is attainable. Wish you much success in your online endeavors, my friend! Thanks for taking the time to read this post!

Israel Olatunji
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Those two "P" words are sometimes very hard to master!

Tirolith Premium
“Napoleon Hill is my idol. His book is my bible.” Tom Short.

You are where I am concerned fast taking after him in my trusting opinion as I bookmark and trust all your training.

timstime20 Premium
Every newbie needs to read this... there are so many nuggets in here... thank you my friend ... Israel you inspire me to continue to write more often ..
thank you
Israel17 Premium
Hey Tim, thanks for taking the time to read this training tutorial! Much grateful, my friend! Glad to know I got you inspired to continue writing more frequently! Much excited, my friend! I always love to help and inspire others as I often get more inspired when I inspire others. Thanks for your valuable contributions!

Israel Olatunji
tootie3473 Premium
Hello Israel17,

I personally have only blogged once and not on this platform. I have never liked blogging and it depends on too many factors. Although, some people have been successful at it. I personally am not waiting on a blog to feed my family. I have heard it depends on your content, social media , the competition of your niche. It can be a few months to a year and a person must be consistent.

I just don't have the patience for it. lol but, to each their own. I prefer doing YouTube videos and trying to promote my website however, that is a personal choice.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for contributing, tootie3473! Yes, it feels boring to continue posting without knowing when things will go skyrocketing, but I want you to know that I specifically wrote this training for people who are likely thinking to give up and quit faster than they got started.

While it is no longer feasible to hit the SERPs and start driving a ton of organic traffic with strategic keywords like in the early days of search engines, it's good to know that there are strategies you can implement with consistent publishing frequency that will help speed up the whole process and ensure that you can start earning a ton of search engine traffic in 12-18 months from the starting day. Thanks for taking the time to read this training! Wish you much success in your online endeavors!

Israel Olatunji
tootie3473 Premium
Good morning and thank you Israel :-)
FKelso Premium Plus
Well, I'm trying -- I post regularly and hope my readership grows. It is difficult to know how close I'm coming to success. Hope something breaks loose for me soon.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for leaving a thought, FKelso! Much appreciated! Good to know you are posting regularly and your readership has begun to grow exponentially or arithmetically! I'll take the time to visit your blog and check out how you're doing on your blog. Thanks for your contributions!

Israel Olatunji
FKelso Premium Plus
Thank you -- would like it if you took a look at my MMO blog for WA.