You're Nearly finished.

This task is the simple part of the writing process to complete, but also necessary.

Before you hit the Publish button, i recommend that you read through the completed post and make sure the grammar is corrected and make full use of the spell check tool.

Clean up the the paragraphs and insert any media into the page that enhance the page for a better user experience.

Go ahead and publish ( don't worry much if you have published and found an error its very easily rectified )..

I hope i have given you an insight into writing and look forward to hearing your success stories soon.



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Shawn Martin Premium
Nice work!
GaryHowell Premium
If I help one person I have achieved something
Shawn Martin Premium
Sheila50 Premium
Great job Gary,
This is a useful one and I have booked marked it for future reference and to give to new accepted invites.
GaryHowell Premium
That's a huge compliment thank you
LynneHuy Premium
Great tutorial Gary, this is very useful and has already helped me with how to gather ideas for posts. I often hit a bit of a writers block!
GaryHowell Premium
Thanks Lynne much appreciated
bogyolin Premium
very good ideas, thank you! I haven't published my first post yet (nearly finished though), but started to work on it in a similar pattern, whenever I have ideas I create a new post, add the topic idea to the title, if necessary also other sub-topic ideas in bulletpoints to the body of the post, and save it as draft :) this way I don't need to spend time finding my notes when I finally get to write the actual post. So far it seems to help, now my major concern is to find that 30 (+) minutes peace and quiet when I can actually work on my ideas uninterrupted :)
GaryHowell Premium
It's certainly a challenge and I can relate to getting some peace and quiet with my two little ones but I have developed the routine now and it really works for me. This week alone I've written 6 posts.
bogyolin Premium
Wow, well done you :)
CathyS Premium
Bookmarked. Thank you, kind sir!
GaryHowell Premium
And thank you for giving your time