You can also change font size and change paragraph being read and can click outside of the text window to have to read while you look at the page

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Jayleake77 Premium
Hi nice to meet you and your story is a great idea for the update on line marketing and sales and getting my own business up and going I just would like to say thank you for the update and for your information
bestleads Premium
Some years ago I did a research on Text to Speech software.

There are a diversity of them.

But most of them are in the English language, some British and others American English. And those that include other languages still have preference for English in their diversity of voices, males and females.

There are many free, some with trail periods. Some are low cost.

And there quite expensive ones. Depends on what you want.

There was one that I used a lot because included an easy to use dashboard and to integrate with powerpoint.

They went out of business because their business model wasn't profitable. I was trying to reach them to suggests some modifications to their payment model, which I considered was why it wasn't profitable. But was unable to reach them.

Business learning point:

You can have an excellent product or service, but if you don't know how to price it correctly or how to have price options, you could be losing money, and even going out of business.

This business problem has happened several times.

I haven't been able to find a similar service. That means that they had almost an exclusivity, no need to go out of business.

I have used Google speech as a gag. Didn't put much importance to it. Probably, it has more to offer.

Basically, I need English and Spanish versions with a diversity of voices: females and males.

Didn't think of using it like a research tool or as a proofreader.

Clicked the link you provided takes to Chrome Web Store.

At first I didn't what to do. Since there are no Text to Speech items there. Until I realized that I have to go to the Search box at the top left. I am new to this.

Probably, it will be good to indicate that to other members.

Thank you for this post.