Outside of just integrating with your RSS Feed Dlvr.it includes Bit.ly integration to automatically shorten your links with bit.ly which is one of the few url shorteners not blocked by any social media platform I've come across thus far. There are also Google Chrome and Safari Browser extensions that allows you to find and share content directly from your web browser. Google Analytics integration can track your traffic growth to your site and social media accounts with Google Analytics link tracking and reporting.

I would recommend you give it a try and play around with it. Not only can it help you build your followers and get more traffic on your social media accounts but on your old blog posts as well. There is a premium service called EverQueue that allows you to Recycle your Social Media Posts and a WordPress Scheduler which allows you to import and schedule your top WordPress blog posts for resharing across your social media accounts.

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sblasi999 Premium
Good info, but over my newbie head right now. i'll be back to understand this a little later. I followed you because I want to learn from the best!

gifted76 Premium
Thank you I'm flattered
MKearns Premium
Thanks for the great SM training and tips Jumaane
gifted76 Premium
You're welcome
Online43 Premium
thanks gifted
very informative
gifted76 Premium
Thank you and you're welcome