When it comes to using images for your website I find it very beneficial if you can use images that are either CC0 or PD because you can alter and customize them if need be. What I like doing is taking a relevant image and add text on top of it with a call to action. Sometimes I will also put my website or affiliate link on the image.

This can work wonders for those social media sites or Craigslist that don’t like affiliate links. Just type out your link on the image and post the image with a bit of content presenting your sales pitch. Sure it is not an actual clickable image but if someone really wants what you are promoting, they could type in the link manually.

These 4 following links of Public Domain image websites are a great place to start looking for images you cannot only use as is but can create something else out of. These links are listed with my favorite at the top, then second favorite, and so on.









NEXT UP = Creative Commons Zero Links and More FREE Pictures

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BobLoder Premium
Sweet . . .
boomergp08 Premium
Thanks Bob
MudreM Premium
Thanks a lot Robert. Very useful links. Cheers.
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome Mudre.
rodeves Premium
Very nice. As always thanks for a great tutorial.
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome Rodney, it was my pleasure.
Marcus1978 Premium
Thanks for this, Robert. I usually use Pixabay.com, but I have bookmarked this in case I need some other sources.
boomergp08 Premium
I mainly use Pixabay too, especially for clip art and vector graphic images. I customize and alter a lot of those images for whatever I use them for.
Marcus1978 Premium
I think I've only ever once got in trouble for using a copyrighted image, though. Several years ago, I got an email from someone's lawyer asking me to remove the image from my website. So I did, and that was the end of it. Best not to risk getting into that situation if possible, though.
boomergp08 Premium
I agree! It is the main reason why I only use websites like Pixabay and the ones I shared here and in my other images training from last year, which is where I have the Pixabay link. The images must use the CC0 license for me to use them. This way I know I am totally safe.
crp2511 Premium
www.pixabay.com is also a fantastic resource for CC images, and you don't have to give credit. Thanks for the training, Robert.
boomergp08 Premium
Yes! They are my #1 selection for the majority of images I use and customize. I have a link to them in my other Free Images training.