
Subj: Learn To Make Money Like A Millionaire!

Hey friend,

(Insert yr name) here :)

I hope you are having a great (Insert day). Today we will be talking about an important Component of the Recipe which I refer to as the Client List.

Now,the make money. This factor alone makes your make money online undertaking permanent and sustainable. Even it is not necessary to rely on search engines or social sites for eager visitors once you can set up this element.

Each and every business tries to keep its customers. Selling repeatedly to a customer is the reason for this retention process. They desire a devoted group of customers that are happy to be sold again and again. They do it many different ways; promotional gifts, discounted cards, membership cards, etc.

Similar thing goes on make-money online world of the Internet. Whichever product you come up, you need to discover interested individuals of your product and your product-line. You will record them and put it in a database, allowing you to contact them at your will.

A list including names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. Is required by offline businesses to keep customers. But only a list of names and e-mail addresses and in most cases, just emails serves the purpose for online businesses.

A list including couple of hundred emails could make you more money than thousands of visitors you send to your website by any other means. First reason is, you know that they showed need for your product and your product-line.

Secondly, you can still communicate with them and nurture them as your valued clients and develop your reputation and trust with them.

Thirdly, you could send a new offer of your product line any time you like, knowing that it would be appropriated by a lot of them. Making an email list of anxious buyers is easily the most sustainable business model so far in the Internet.

Earnings grows with the size of the list. Rule of thumb is, one email provides you with a dollar a month. Imagine you have a list of 3000 or even 30000 emails!

Well now, we have been through with our make-money online success recipe. The most important element ofthe recipe is list building. The fact is, building email list of eager prospects is a business model on its own.

But do you really fully grasp the scope of how big you can go with it? It is possible to create a massive business on your own using this strategy. Want to get started, but finding it difficult to choose the right path?

>> Click Here to Transform Your Reality Starting Now! (Put yr affiliate link here)

This step-by-step system will help you to realize yr online dream!

See you at the top,

Have a wonderful day!!

Talk to you soon!!

Your Friend & Marketing Coach

(Yr Name)

(Yr Website)

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FrankieTrill Premium
Thank you
JewelCarol Premium
You are welcome, Frankie.:)
WilliamBH Premium
Jewel this is so great that you are sharing the actual emails. This is the the key thing that I have a challenge with. Thank you so much. Cheers, William.
JewelCarol Premium
Hey William, yes, hope my sharing will help some members, lol. Thanks for yr kind words. Cheers.:)
iainclarke Premium
Many thanks for this comprehensive training Jewel
JewelCarol Premium
Glad you like it, Ian, thanks.:)
SadieChan Premium
Thanks Jewel for this awesome email follow-up messages training.
Just checking if I can use this post as our own corresponding to our subscribers. ( of course with some changes) or is this just an example for us to set?
JewelCarol Premium
Yes, of course you can use it, tweak it to yr liking, this follow up messages is for sharing, Sadie.:)
SadieChan Premium
Great! Thanks, Jewel, I will use it as a guideline for writing the email content.
JewelCarol Premium
Awesome, Sadie, hopefully you have more and more subscribers.:)
reanna1 Premium
Thanks, Jewel! :)
JewelCarol Premium
Hey Rebecca, thank you! :)