Some places do not have the nice little icon with the world and a chain link

that I do not know how to copy and get a picture of for you.

Some places like Ezine and Squidoo make you type in the html link codes yourself. Why? Who knows?

CORRECTION We KNOW we should not type in codes ourselves, correct?

Some places like Ezine and Squidoo make you CUT AND PASTE the html link codes.

There are three sections to these codes:

  1. The letters and symbols that mean: Look here computer, I am going to put a link code for you to magically turn my words to an underlined blue color to create a link to another Internet page and here and this is where it starts and stops.
  2. A section with the website or affiliate code you want the link hooked up to copied directly from the address bar of the page
  3. The actual words from the text that the reader will see. This is what you want clicked on and the reader sent to another place.

This is the basically what this code will look like:

This is my website

This is my website

Copy the color coded link to a Post-It labeled MASTER ANCHOR LINKS and also keep a hard copy . Write it on a color coded 4x6 card per organization tutorial.

When you need to make a link yourself:

  • Copy the MASTER and paste a new version down a few lines on the same Post-it.
  • Then insert the website you want linked to in the green section by copying the URL you saved.
  • and the words you want the reader to see in blue section.
  • Copy and paste into whatever document you need
  • Hilite the whole thing and turn it all into black.

If you want the link to open up in a separate page-(-it will be a new tab on your browser)

This is my website

A link to your Squidoo lens: you should be beginning to see the pattern

This is one of my Squidoo lenses

Whatever is in the URL address at the top of an Internet page goes into the green

Here is what a specific page within my blog would look like (it has the extra extension for the specific post)

This is a blog entry

Affiliate links are a bit different

Your code you got when you signed up for clickbank

Whatever the vendor set us as their code (it is found on their affiliate page)

Click Here now!

It is best to copy this master with your personal code and save it. Then you only need to make copies with the vendor's code.

Save each affiliate code you create and copy and paste when you need it!

I am telling you if you do not bookmark this page AND print it out and keep it close at hand at all times, you will kick yourself, beat your head against a wall, and frustration will prevail.

WA links are a bit different see next page

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sasha123 Premium
So far as of 1 month ago you are the only one that has made any sense. Thank you so very much. You get so much information and it is not organized in any order. Also, all of the information is incomplete. You spend all of your time reading and not doing.So, thank you again for the clear, common sense ordered information.
KC99 Premium
So far as of 1 month ago you are the only one that has made any sense. Thank you so very much. You get so much information and it is not organized in any order. Also, all of the information is incomplete. You spend all of your time reading and not doing.So, thank you again for the clear, common sense ordered information.