4) Align (Celebrate and Learn Together)

Align should be your right response to any good news. When someone gives you a good news, its right to respond with the same level of enthusiasm.

A good way to align is to say "Wow, that's really great news. Tell me more? So what did you do?". When we align that with the person telling us the good news, we identify and relate to open up space for further discussion.

This is one skill that will make a difference when we related with our customers, vendors or people in our team. It is useful in person as well as when giving comments online.

Being more aware of our conversations go a long way to create win-win in all our relationships. I hope this will help you in your business as it has helped me when I learned it for mine.

So what do you think? How do you respond to good news?

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PaulineT Premium
Excellent advice! Thank you .
hthiew Premium
Thanks for checking this out!