Success in business and in life has a lot to do with the alignment of interest and enthusiasm. You are only as successful as how you make people feel when they relate with you.

Below are the 3 common mistakes we make when someone we are connected to announces a good news to us. Then I will end with one correct way of responding.


1) "Downplay" is the first mistake

Someone comes to you to say "Hey I just got my first sale from my website!". A person that downplays it will reply "OK, nice". While its a positive response and there's nothing fundamentally wrong with the words use, it's a downplay because the tone doesn't match the level of enthusiasm of the person who's trying to relate with you.

A downplay can range from a devastating "I'm happy for you" and quickly move on with a conversation totally unrelated or a mild downplay like "Ok!" and moving on.

Watch out for downplaying the news people bring to you.

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PaulineT Premium
Excellent advice! Thank you .
hthiew Premium
Thanks for checking this out!