Before I get into this, I want to put things into perspective for you by asking you a simple question...
"When was the last time you read a sales letter and thought, man that is some valuable, helpful, and informative content?"
Probably been awhile right? That is because you like me, you don't gain a lot of respect for people through sales letters and you grow very tired when you try to read them. If you got an email from someone every day and EVERY single one was a promotion, would you run for the hills. I know I would!
We gain respect from people that teach us something, help us with something, and provide us timely insight. We follow people who do this in fact. If you want to know about the latest SEO changes, chances are you follow someone who is on top of the SEO niche and can teach you something new...regularly. This goes for any niche.
But this is the Largest Blunder Within Email Marketing Campaigns...
The biggest mistake people make when corresponding with their subscribers is forgetting about the actual quality of the content that is provided. People often times look at the process and forget about the people. Yes, there are REAL people on the other end of every email, so treat them in the same way you would want to be treated.
If you are not there to help them and build a "give and take" relationship (the take always coming after you give), you are not going to be able to effectively monetize your mailing list.
In this training I am going to discuss how to over-deliver to your list. By this I mean, give them more than they are actually expecting...far more. This is a sure fire way to build a long term business through your email marketing efforts. When you do present offers to your list, you want them taking action. They do this when they trust you.