Now you are in the desktop wallpaper window, here on the left-hand side you have different options to build your own desktop wallpaper.

First, you have the template option, which basically allows you to use preconfigured templates but one thing to remember in a free account the choice is limited. Choose from the list and select plain or animated templates.

Second, you can add Elements like graphics, photos, lines & shapes, charts, graphics into your wallpaper.

The third option is Upload here you can drag and drop or select anyimage, video, audio file from your PC or connect with your Dropbox, Google Drive, Facebook, or Instagram account and upload media from there.

The fourth option is text so you can add a heading, the subheading for your wallpaper, or just choose from a variety of text styles available here.

I'm choosing one and easily edit by clicking on the text and editing according to my preferences.

Additionally, in the more section, you can even add other custom photos, videos, charts, and evenintegrate other apps with your Canva account and use those files as well.

That's pretty much a basic guideline to use Desktop wallpaper and the more you use the Canva platform you explore more ideas.

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Prashant70 Premium
I use canva frequently for creating unique images for my blog post. But here I got additional useful info.
Thanks for this awesome lesson
Preetam3 Premium
You welcome
DragomirVC1 Premium Plus
I used Canva a lot!
But not at all lately!
Thanks for the reminder!
Preetam3 Premium
You're welcome Vasile. Canva is a great tool for creative individuals and many things are free to use.✌️
helenwentri2 Premium
Thanks Preetam, I have a free account on Canva, but haven't used it yet as I feel a little overwhelmed with it.
I must spend time to explore.
Preetam3 Premium
It's a awesome platform and if you love to design your own style the process is rather simple, just go one at a time.👍
helenwentri2 Premium
muslimah Premium
Thank you for the in-depth tutorial.
Preetam3 Premium
You're welcome👍