Using Spell Check

When creating your content it is always important to save your work regardless where or what program you are using this would include your work in WordPress, using a Mac and in this session we will be going through the methods of saving your content with MS Word.

Those of you who have your website up and running yes you can save your work in WordPress which I will touch later but for now we will be focusing on creating and saving your work in MS Word.

Just before we go through the training on saving the work I want to first emphasis a crucial aspect to your work particularly when it is relating to you website you are promoting.

1)As you create your content regardless if it’s a page or posts one of the important and really vital parts before you show the world your wonderful work is making sure your content has been or gone through a spell check.

The success of your business can simply be the difference between words that have been spell checked or words that have not bean Spelt cheked.

Know what I mean?

When you finish your work ensure that a spell check is done on the whole document.

Another option is to read it out aloud or better still get someone if available to read and check your work.

You would be surprised how a second set of eyes can help.

Also don’t reply completely on the Spell check either. You still need to look at your work. It sounds ironic to say use the spell check but don’t rely on it. But there is a reason for this.

Remember the spelling of certain words can be different and the meaning of a word can be for a different purpose in it’s use, yet the spell check may not pick it up. E.g. too, to, two, right, write. All these five words are spelt correctly yet depending on how it is used will determine if it is correct when used that that certain phrase or sentence.

There are too many mistakes. Correct

There are two many mistakes. Incorrect

There are two too many mistakes. Correct

There are to many mistakes. Incorrect

You are write,right when you say that to two many mistakes can lead too errors when writing content particularly when the word used is in the wrong placement within a phrase or sentence due to a different meaning of that word as show in the underlined words in this paragraph.

1)Within the spell check this can also be set up with how you wish the spell check to operate. To get to this section is if you are in MS Word click the ABC Button (normally at the top of your menu) to open the spell check which is the one on you right in this image. At the bottom you will see the words Options click on that the left side of the image will appear.

Depending on your purpose of the spell check you can set it up to your required needs.

For general use you can tick the boxes as is in the image below..

Additional Option

When saving your work on MS Word one other approach I use is I purchased an external Hard Drive and when saving my work that is important be it WA or something else I save my work also on the External Hard Drive.

So now I will have a backup in Wordpress for my website related posts. I will have the same backup on MS Word but an extra backup on my external hard drive. This save the issue in case a virus or a computer issue that may crash my computer and I lose my work if so I have my hard drive which is disconnected from the computer when not is use.

To some it may seems like overkill but remember your website is your income do you want to lose your income in the process because you have no backup. The Hosting servers also keep backup for themselves and may for you but keep your backups with you.

It could mean the difference between having a business online or not.

Hope you have enjoyed this training

Please like and place you comment for this training as well that would be most appreciated

Always strive to succeed and you will achieve.


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trellsworth Premium Plus
thank you for sharing this. It is very helpful and a great reminder about saving our work an thing I have a tendency to not do.
apache1 Premium
Thanks for the visit an comment yes you can easily forget to save especially when your really have your head down and in deep thought and action with your work.
Past experiences quickly make you remember to save.
Take care have a wonderful weekend and continue to go forward each and every day.
sherrylynn66 Premium
Thanks for the help!
apache1 Premium
Your are welcome Sherry hope there was some help maybe also in some of the responses as well.
Take care be well have a wonderful weekend that's coming up
necopam Premium
Hello to you Just alittle question....When you say Save your work regularly what are the exact steps you take to do this. I have no idea Thanks
apache1 Premium
Hi Neil good to hear from you again.
If you have a opened file that already is in your drive whenever you wish to save you just go to click file then click save when the second window opens up.
If this is a new file that has never been saved before then you still go to File and you can either click save or save as.
The computer will recognize it has never been saved before and will open another window and prompt you to create a name for that file which will be below and before you click save you need to click the folder you wish that file to be in.
This part is explained in Preparation 2 on create a file.
The best thing to do is just get in the habit of saving your work that's why I said maybe every 2-3 paragraphs then click file then save.
Hope that answers your question Neil
Have a great day my hours are dwelling soon.
Take care be well.
Debbi26 Premium
I like your "save rule". This applies to Excel as well. Many moons ago, I worked on a SS for 8 hrs and lost it all in the blink of an eye. Didn't save along the way. It is rule #1, #2, #3

Hadn't thought about people needing help creating files. See, that's why you're the BIG bro. :-) What a sweetie.
apache1 Premium
Hey Sis thanks you for the compliment. Yes Excel I understand that when I was doing A/R at work plus with all the spreadsheet that contain hyperlinks, formula's etc you really learn to save your work. That's part of the reason i wrote this I too have know in the earlier days when work has been lost.
I knew the computer would normally do auto save but didn't know at the time that this can also turned off. I was using some elses computer at the time and assumed that it was being saved. That is why I don't rely on any auto saves they are normal set for 10 mins as standard but even ten min can be far too long when dealing with large spreadsheets.
Thanks sis xox back
Take care
Debbi26 Premium
At a conference right now and can't sleep. I've been awake since 2 am (not 4:55). This is becoming a habit.
I learned to never rely on auto save especially if I have connecting links. Some lessons you never forget.
Guess I better try to sleep, :-(
Take care, bro. xo
apache1 Premium
Have a great sleep sis. Probably can't sleep because of too much chocolate.
Where was the conference or shouldn't I ask?
Sleep tight and relax ox
Debbi26 Premium
Conference near Philadelphia, PA..........scrapbooking. Why am I STILL wired when I really didn't sleep. Oh, yeah, I ate that hotel sink. LOL. <JUST kidding> Chocolate still has no appeal, bro . xo
apache1 Premium
Just want to make sure my little sis is getting her rest. Have a great day see you later.
Take care sis ox
Debbi26 Premium
Thanks, bro. Ready to go give sleep another shot tonight. xo
apache1 Premium
I am sure you will succeed sis. If I was there I would tell you a story to help you sleep so you will have to dream the story in your sleep instead.
Sleep well and rest well.
Bro ox
archie43 Premium
Thanks for sharing this info with us. Perhaps, you would give some advice on what to do with downloads (perhaps I have 400) Do you start putting these into folders?
What is your idea on backups? How often? Do you use Dropbox or some of the cheap cloud services?
apache1 Premium
Hi Archie thanks for being here appreciated.
With the downloads this will depend on what are the downloads
Are they all related to the one website?
Are they all images?
Are the all text?
Are they a mixture?
Are they both business and private or personal?
Once you answer that to yourself you can then organize what folders may be require to create and how many.
Personally i keep all private and family matters separate from business matters i guess that the old management part of me.

What I do is keep all business related matters on a separate drive.that why all personal stuff are separated and can't be mixed. part of your other question re backup is I have a couple of external hard drives where each fortnight or so I back up my work on the external drive. that way should my computer crash I have the back up away from the computer. I do the same for many of my important family matters as well.again on a separate hard drive.
I still keep them on my computer for easier access but when updated is required I back it up more often. I guess that the old accountant and management habits they have stayed with me. I am glad for that.
Back to the folders
I have a separate main folder called Wealthy Affiliate within this folder are several sub folders each with a separate website name to it.

Any websites not relating to WA would be done and attached to another main Folder under that particular name in the same fashion.

The main aspect is to keep organized to minimize issues later.

Now back to backups:
Word has been explained in above training so no need to go there.
If you are using the WordPress within WA know that backups can be done within WordPress here once you work has been created or adjusted you can export from WordPress and have it downloaded to your computer. here you can either save it to a separate folder maybe called WordPress backups and each time you do an export this could go to the same main folder called WordPress backups no need to create a file for that because you download is basally your file each with different details which you can also change to make it easier to remember what it means.
You could also save it to an external hard drive as mentioned above.
There is also the ability to import the work back to WordPress

This is all explain in Kyle's training session related to Exporting from WordPress
This is the link

As for how often for the backups same rules can apply

Rule 1: Save your work.
Rule 2: Save your work regularly
Emergency hidden rule: Did you remember to save your work?
Also another part with WordPress is it is a good idea to do a backup before any major changed you may be doing again this is explained in the session mentioned by Kyle above

As for Drop box i only use this for private issues with family and friends I have no need for this with business along with Cloud services.

That main part is to be organized if you need to create 20 folders to cover your400 downloads so be it. if you only need 5 folders then that's what is required.

Hope that has covered you questions
Take care and good night form me its getting late I need sleep.
archie43 Premium
Thanks so much. I think you over delivered.
Many of my downloads are free books, websites, etc and sundry bonuses (and shinny objects). So I guess I could organize them into folders. I also have quite a few folders with my e-mail account where I store important e-mails and some personal stuff (useful if travelling) I might get hacked but I usually leave some numbers out
Thanks for you advice.
apache1 Premium
You can never over deliver when you are helping family. Besides that are answers to your questions.
Some will need one part others may fine something else that is useful. Even within another comment.
Good to see that you can indeed arranged and organize yourself with the different sections. As you said you guess that you could organize them into folders. Organize being the main focal point.
All that is need now is to keep going forward with the website and continue to create content.
Wishing you well
Enjoy your weekend.