Business Health

After your have nurtured your spiritual health, you must also focus on your business. As Wealthy Affiliate members we all know that and this section goes without saying. Spend the time needed on your websites. Spend sometime connecting to other members here at Wealthy Affiliate. Help others in our community, because you will become successful by helping others to become successful.

Make a list of all the tasks you need to complete that day. You can do this before you go to bed at night or when you first wake up before heading to your home office. You also need to set a schedule and stick to it. Whatever works for you. It might be a schedule such as 9am - 12am you work on your website content development. Lunch is from 12pm to 1pm and from 1pm to 2pm you spend on social media marketing, posting links to your website on FB, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Make sure you do not get distracted. Stay focused on the task at hand. It is easy to get distracted on Facebook. and from 2pm to 5pm you spend inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform either completing your next lesson from Kyle or another tutorial on WA or leaving feedback and requesting feedback and comments with SiteFeedback and SiteComments. You need to make sure you also set time aside for your training, because learning and completing new training is also critical to your success.

Of course, this schedule may not work for you, but you get the idea.

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startouched Premium
Excellent points Steph!
Thanks for sharing this,
stephhill Premium Plus
You are very welcome Kathy.
reanna1 Premium
Thanks, Steph!
stephhill Premium Plus

Many thanks for checking it out. I hope it helps you out.

theresroth Premium
Thanks, Steph, this is priceless!☺☺☺

I've been thinking of writing an e-book on a related topic, how to come into the blessings that a Christian hopes for- there is so much to be learned and written about how these laws work when seen and applied properly.

Have a great week, my friend!☺
stephhill Premium Plus

That sounds like it would be a great e-book. Let me know if you need help with it. Would love to contribute to something like that.

theresroth Premium
Thank you very much, Steph, will do!☺☺☺
amgolf Premium
"Balance" is the part of success in the business.
Yes, Thank you.
stephhill Premium Plus
Thank you!
Magieken Premium
Thanks Steph, this is really sound advice that we should all stop and think about. We seem to ignore some of the most important things in our lives. Spiritual health is often the first to go and family health the second as we strive to make our business pay.
It really is a question of balance, isn't it?
stephhill Premium Plus