To embed a video on Vimeo, follow the steps below

  1. Create a Vimeo channel and upload your video into you post or page
  2. Open the video player and click the share button on it.
  3. Go to the embed section and click more options to customize your player.

Complete embed, code and paste it into your webpage or post.


If you want to edit the video yourself, there are several great video's editing programs out there like:

Adobe Premier Pro or Fine Cat Pro. Adobe Premier are available through a yearly subscription, or movie or window movie maker which are free.

Another starter source is Real Times Video Maker Google Play. Free down load on Google play.

Auto create photo stories automatic video maker.

You can share photo's and video's with friends.


I hope that my first training on Wealthy Affiliate be a great source for; newcomers, beginners, first starters and newbies. Some of the information listed are optional. This is a basic guide for you to use if you choose to do so.

Continued Success!

Tutorial By Louisa P Barzey

<End >

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joekeriii Premium
Thanks, Louisa. It's time I start using video. Thanks for the instructions!
LouisaB Premium
Joe, you are always welcome. Thank you for the follow.
mybiz4u Premium
Thanks, Louisa. Loved your little lady:)
LouisaB Premium
Thank you for following me. I really enjoy supporting you as you soar your journey. Continued Success!
mybiz4u Premium
Likewise, Louisa. Much success to you as well.
cosmicradio Premium
Awesome, Louisa! :)
LouisaB Premium
Thank you for being a cheerful follower.
theresroth Premium
Louisa, this is fabulous, an awesome first training!!
I've been thinking a while about using video, but I'm still in a steep learning curve myself, and gathering information.....

But when I do, you can bet I will come back to this tutorial, it's tagged and bookmarked!☺☺☺

LouisaB Premium
Therese, I could have presented better graphs an photo.
Actually, had some great resources, however, I could not find them until it was all finished. Better next time. Besife, I really love you comment. I hope you can benefit.
BonifaceDjou Premium
Thank you Louisa . This tutorial lifted my worries as how to post a picture in my website.The tools to do it . Awesome !!!!.
LouisaB Premium
I am very pleased to know that I shared something that will benefit you. Bookmark it for future reference.