What is Piktochart?
Piktochart is a free infographic editor. Here are some of the reasons you will love piktochart :
- it's newbie friendly
- you can create infographics, presentations, posters, reports
- it's free to join the free version is free forever, just like WA =)
- their free membership offers several templates
- you can upload your own pictures to customize all your infographics
- they have great support
- they offer video tutorials
- you can save all your infographics on your Piktochart account, to work back on them later
How To Get Started
1) Click here to access Piktochart
2) Click on the "sign up" button at the top left
3) Sign up using your google account or your facebook account. If you don't have any of these you can sign up anyway, using your email address.
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