So now update. This will save everything. Nip back to the visual part of your page and you will see that the first product has appeared in your contents list, in blue - might be a different colour on yours though! You can add more and more to the content list as you go along, finding the previous product in the list and placing your next jump link directly below it, creating a list ! This is how my list looks when I go online which I suggest you do, you can then click on the product and check that your jump link takes you to where you need to be. If it doesn't for any reason, go back to the code you have put in and check it. I found that on one of mine I hadn't put the second link close enough to the title of the item, so I moved it closer and saved, it worked perfectly.
This is how my list looks now with all the added items, its not finished, I have more to add but you can see how easy it is to add to it!