Configuring Google XML Sitemaps, explanation of the settings and options
4. Basic options > Leave by default > 3 boxes checked
You want to send Google and Bing notifications
Add sitemap URL makes it easy for the robots crawling your website
5. Advanced options > leave the first boxes empty
And leave the XSLT Stylesheet box checked by default
When possible, check the box before Include sitemap in HTML format.
not all search engines are capable to index XML format.
6. Allow anonymous statistics means that the developer of the plugin receives data, so they can improve the plugin when necessary.
Add additional pages.
This option can be important when you have a static homepage. When the homepage contains the blogroll, it will be added to your sitemap. If you have a separate blog page, you might want to add this page here. Because you can change the priority and the frequency of the times Google will crawl your page.
7. Add your blog page URL
8. Set the priority on 7 or 8
9. Change the frequency to daily when you blog every day